About Us
21 Energy produces a number of derivative products from natural gas by Steam Reforming and the Fischer-Tropsch process – each over 60 years old. Our Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) plant takes natural gas from the pipeline and directs it into a steam reformer. Here the natural gas is mixed with water vapor at high temperatures and put in contact with a catalyst; The result of this interaction is Hydrogen Gas (H2) and CO2.

The resulting gases are passed through an adsorptive membrane that removes the impurities and leaving 99.999% H2. The molecules are then used as a feedstock to produce synthetic hyrocarbons in a reactor in the Fischer-Tropsch process.
As mentioned, the Fischer-Tropsch process produces a synthetic crude that is then refined and cut in order to produce synthetic fuels: naphtha, ultra-low sulfur diesel, and consumer grade paraffin wax. In order to reduce Green House Gas emissions by over 90%, 21 Energy uses Carbon Capture & Sequestration technology to collect the resulting flue gas, directing it to a compressor and sequestering it underground, thus safely and securely displacing it from possibly contaminating the environment.
Our Story
Our Company’s operational history can be traced back to petroleum operations in Venezuela and the Caribbean and international commodities hedging. Our Team has been involved in every stage of the petroleum value chain for the production of derivative products. For over thirty-five years, this was the main focus for our directors.
Late in the 00’s, our team began focusing on natural gas instead, a fuel with half the polluting potential of coal. This was spurred by the United States’ relaxation of regulations against the natural gas industry and the country observing the fourth highest reserves of natural gas on the planet. After a decade of operations revolving around the natural gas value chain and electrical generation, the President of 21 Energy decided to focus on clean, up-and-coming fuels with the potential of decarbonizing global energy mixes: synthetic fuels.
Thus, in 2021, 21 Energy was founded and began its operations in the synthetic fuels value chain.
Our Mission
Ethically and sustainably produce synthetic fuels while reducing GHG emissions with Carbon Capture & Sequestration technology
Our Vision
To be recognized as the leading hydrogen and synthetic fuels company in the United States through our innovation, our efficiency, our people and commitment to our core values